God's New Revelations

The Great Gospel of John
Volume 4

Jesus' Precepts and Deeds through His Three Years of Teaching
Jesus near Caesarea Philippi (cont.)

- Chapter 236 -

The character of the world-wise and his misfortune in the afterlife.

(The Lord:) "Nevertheless how bad such people necessarily are, it is still possible to make a perfect person out of them, than out of such a real world-wise. Indeed, the world-wise have in some respect, this means aimed at a certain point, mainly on the selfish - quite a sharp mind, and the reason for this is because the little pyramid brain boards with each person at least in the centre of the brain, remain partly and line-wise functional, and this makes that many world-wise in mutual council, but only for purely earthly purposes, can produce something special; however, everything inner, deeper - spiritual remains nevertheless foreign to them. Since between the advantages of the world and those forever lasting of the spirit and the soul, remains an unbridgeable ravine, over which even the sharpest world-mind cannot ever find a bridge.
And see, all this lies in the basic corruption of the human brain construction already in the mothers womb and thereafter in the even worse upbringing of the heart and the soul; since, when at least after birth would follow a good education of the heart and the soul, the brain being corrupted in the mothers womb could to the largest part made functional again, and people could subsequently reach some illumination and life-strength, and by a continuous right humility and true goodness of the heart, of course only after years, the lost could completely be found and replaced again.
Since who sows into a good earth, with him the harvest is certain; but if in the already meagre and bad earth no fertilizer and even less a seed of the full truth of life is strewn, how and from where should a fruit or even a plentiful life harvest be expected?
Yes, the worldly people understand it quite well, to rummage through the material earth like pigs and moles and to farm with all kinds of fruit. They make significant harvests, fill their stores and grain silos to the top and become full of proudness and haughtiness and therefore even harder and insensible towards poor people, who, because of the too great greed of the worldly rich and therefore powerful, were not given a span of land to support themselves.
This, the worldly people understand quite excellently; but the earth of the spirit, the everlasting life, they leave fallow and are not troubled about it. If thorns and thistles grow rampant on it, concerns them only little or nothing, and it is therefore understandable, how and why the people of this earth, instead of getting better, increasingly become worse and more wretched. As long as they can build themselves magnificent palaces, lie on soft beds and own them, stuff their bellies with the best delicacies and dress their skin with soft, royal clothes, they have enough and are satisfied; since they have everything what their selfish flesh life can desire through the short time of their earthly life.
But then comes the severely limping messenger, the bad illness and following it, death, and their impeded soul goes from a great fear over to an even greater fear, finally to full desperation, to unconsciousness and finally to death, and laughing heirs divide the left-behind large treasures and abundances of the deceased world fool. And what does he have in the beyond? Nothing, than in every respect the greatest poverty, the greatest despair and the greatest, for this world indescribable misery, and not only just for a short while, but for your concept unthinkable long period of time, which you most certainly can describe with the term 'forever', which is also quite obvious; since from where should a soul, who never has worked or provided for anything else than for her body, takes the means, to perfect herself in a world, which can and must consists only of this, what a soul has inside herself and through her spiritual outer-life-light-ether converts into a her surrounding residing world.
In such a world her new, most love-giving life is supposed to have started in her very own spiritual kingdom. But how can this be possible if her heart is hardened and insensitive, she continuously sinks into annoyance feeling sorry for herself, breeding rage and revenge and if the spirit inside her is like completely dead, deaf, dumb and blind and as such can never view in a bright clear light the little brain-boards of the soul?
And even if it was possible for such a heavenly spirit to rise in such an impeded soul, to see and feel all the things present in the brain of the soul, to help her to create a new living- and effectuating kingdom, he still wouldn't find anything in the brain of the soul, of which he, by helping her, could effectuate this. Since from all the material things what the soul in this world has absorbed into her flesh brain, impossibly anything could have been transferred to her own spiritual brain, because for such a transfer she totally lacks the main means of life, namely the light from live's love flame to God and from it to the neighbour!"
