God's New Revelations

The Great Gospel of John
Volume 4

Jesus' Precepts and Deeds through His Three Years of Teaching
Jesus near Caesarea Philippi (cont.)

- Chapter 206 -

The secret of the sixth pearl: The depiction of the pyramids, obelisks and the Sphinx.

Said Raphael: "Look here, this sixth pearl will answer your question! Here we have it exposed; what do you see at first sight?"
Says Marcus: "There I see again the colossal image of Shivinz and some pyramids; in front of the largest are standing two upside down cone shaped columns, called obelisks, and towards the side of the great pyramid, in reality perhaps a few hundred steps away, what one cannot determine precisely from the picture, there again a quite considerable colossal statue is visible. It has the head of a woman, female hands and a strong, female chest. Where the chest ends at the point of the stomach, a recognizable animal body begins. Behind this strange statue is a far stretched circular wall, enclosing a vast pasture. It appears to form a whole and unified something. - What does this mean?"
Says Raphael: "The colossal chest picture is the very Shivinz, which the people, to honour the great, build out of their own initiative by the best chisellers and builders and also to their very own cost. The great pyramid with the two obelisks was a 'man, recognize yourself!' - school. The inner had large chambers and long running passage ways in all directions, in which all kinds of odd facilities were present for the self-recognition and from that the recognition of the most highest spirit of God. Sometimes the facilities looked quite gruesome; but they rarely missed their objective. The other pyramids are mainly only signs of those underground places, where there were many sarcophagi, which have been permanently closed off, as was already explained earlier.
During current times, however, there still exist many pyramids and all kind of temples along the exceedingly long Nile valley, which very much later were build during the times of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob by the pharaohs; these are not referred here, only those, which were build under Shivinz.
Piramidai was the actual ancient name and means: 'Give me wisdom!', and the two upside down cones by the name oubeloiska mean: 'the pure searches for the elated, beautiful, pure'. 'Belo' means actually 'white'; but because the completely white colour meant for the old Egyptians pure, elated and beautiful, it was also used to indicate the elated, pure and beautiful.
The good effect of such schools soon became known all over, and soon foreigners came to visit such schools, and there were so many, that they could not be accommodated and supplied. Because of that our Shivinz thought out some means whereby the foreigners could be kept away, so that they did not visited too often the schools established by him. But what was his means?
Here on this pearl you see the half person and half animal statue. It was hollow and inside a person could, by a spiral staircase, get into its head and speak through its downward directed funnel-shaped mouth, loud and clearly, and because of the strong voice it had the appearance as if in all seriousness the colossal statue could talk.
If now the foreigners came there to be accepted to the school, they were directed by a servant of the statue, to stand at a certain place in front of the statue, which was dead on the outside but alive on the inside, namely one by one. There, everyone who wanted to become a disciple of the pyramids, received a puzzling question on life and death from Shivinz. If the ask has solved the riddle, he was accepted, and with admission he was also allowed to ask the statue a counter question and in case where the statue could not give him a satisfying answer, he was allowed to destroy it and so to speak murder it.
The question, however, was given to the clients three days before to think about; on the third day however, when they received the same question out of the mouth of the statue on life and death, surely nobody dared to, but retreated in all humility, paid the required pre-question fee and travelled to his quite often very far fatherland.
Falling into a later time period, a myth said, that a Greek was successful to solve the old riddle; with hundred-thousand others this is a fable and is without any truth! Since the famous riddle was solved by Moses, however, who did not destroyed the statue, since also this statue, although somewhat chewed up by the tooth of time, can still be seen today.
Of course, the inner structure cannot be found anymore, since it is entirely full of sand and mud; since the Nile severely floods its banks normally every hundred, sometimes also two-hundred years, so that in the narrow valley areas the waves are driven more than thirty ell (1 ell = 1.143m, the translator) above the normal water level. Thereby a lot is laid to waste and made useless, since a huge amount of gravel sand and mud is deposited on top of the earlier most beautiful pastures.
After the time of Shivinz there were two Nile floods, where the waves went high above the peaks of the pyramids. Such a flood also took place, counted from now on, 870 years ago, whereby the temple of Ja bu sim bil was nearly halfway sanded and silted up, and since that time it was not possible anymore to clean it and other memorials from all the sand and mud. And it is the same with our puzzling statue; on the inside it is full of hardened mud and sand, who nobody can remove anymore! So, my dear Marcus, this is the truth about the puzzling sphinx! - Are you now in the clear about it?"
Said Marcus: "During the course of two-thousand years, did nobody courageous dared, to allow the sphinx to ask him the known question at the expense of his life? And if he would have done it, what would happen to him, if he, quite understandable, could not solve the riddle?"
Said Raphael: "At the spot where the ask was standing, there was a pit installed, by which he quickly would sink into the ground; and once at the bottom, a few servants would have taken him to the school by underground passageways because of his bravery, although he did not solved the riddle correctly, from which he could not get away earlier, other then becoming a perfect person. However, it never came to it; and at the times when the riddle was solved, this ancient facility was to such an extend silted and sanded up, that it became completely unuseable, and the first shepherd kings and their people were long since defeated by an Phoenician nation to such an extend, that the pharaohs even at the times of Abraham, were already Phoenicians.
Now you also know about this in short, and we now move over to reveal the seventh and last pearl!"
