God's New Revelations

The Great Gospel of John
Volume 2

Jesus' Precepts and Deeds through His Three Years of Teaching
Jesus in the Vicinity of Caesara Philippi (Matthew 16)

- Chapter 184 -

Marcus welcomes and greets Cyrenius.

We had hardly finished speaking when we heard a large number of voices from the crest. It was Cyrenius with his entire entourage; and, riding upon a colt next to Cyrenius and dressed in fine Roman apparel was the boy Josoe, resurrected by Me from fullest death at Jairus new crypt.
When Cyrenius reached the fairly extended yard before the hut, he asked the two son whether this was the warrior Marcus' dwelling.
And bowing down low, the sons said: "Yes, your exalted lord and Commander!"
Marcus simultaneously steps up to Cyrenius deferentially in Roman style and says: "Exalted lord and Commander, nothing in the world could have held me back from spontaneous response to your most gracious summons! But I am putting up a Guest and several of His disciples and companions, Who must undoubtedly be a God, because He effects things through His mere will that no mortal has yet effected upon this Earth. And behold, this Guest from the heavens I could not possibly leave, not to mention His overwhelming me with favours to the point where my hut is not a poor but a very rich one; for I now own nearly fifty skins of the best wine, and my five biggest fish-tanks are full of the most precious and best fish! Likewise my larder is crammed with all kinds of the best foods, whilst salt and wood I have in oversupply for life! What more should I old man want to seek and ask for? But not only I but my eight children are superbly provided for; for to-day I have already taken in over one-hundred silver pieces, what in my case means having a lot of money, and I shall be taking in several hundred more pieces from the same source from which I acquired the for hundred, genuinely and honestly, to-day."
Says Cyrenius: "That is all fine indeed, and I am certain to be even happier than yourself to see you, one of my oldest companions-in-arms, in such fortunate circumstances; but now take me over to your wondrous guest! On His account primarily I have come from the city; because in accord with the messengers testimony, I surmise that He is the godly Jesus of Nazareth, Whom I shall not be able eternally to thank for the endlessly immense favours which He has bestowed upon me, spiritually and physically. Hence take me over to Him straight away!"
Cyrenius had not recognized Me forthwith because I was still seated at the table with the disciples, in the thick shade of the chestnut-tree, whose leafy branches in some paces hung right down to earth. Marcus led Cyrenius straight over to Me, together with the boy Josoe.
On caching sight of Me, tears of joy at once came to Cyrenius' eyes, and he said: "Yes, it is You, just as I thought! Oh how endlessly fortunate and happy am I again that the indescribable grace of the heavens, - You Who are my everything, came my way, after many days; once again to see, to speak and through the breath of Your mouth to be newly blessed and eternally enlivened! Oh Lord my supremely faithful and truly beloved Jesus, You eternal Lord of the entire Earth and all the heavens! What immense debtor I am to You, and that firstly for every life-minute, and secondly for the outsize favour which came my way through Your unfathomable wisdom at Kis, putting me back in possession of the robbed taxation-moneys! Oh Lord, how often every single day I think about the predicament from which Your wisdom saved me at Kis! And then always tears of thanks come to my eyes, and I have to worship You weeping!"
Say I: "Friend and brother, come and sit at My right, and let your company too sit over there, under the fig tree! Lunch shall be served shortly, which I had ordered for you and your entourage in advance; for I know that You had as yet very little to fortify yourselves to-day. - However, how is My Josoe doing, and how does he get along with the angel visiting him from time to time?"
