God's New Revelations

The Natural Sun

Announcements about our sun and its natural conditions

- Chapter 14 -

The dwellings upon the equatorial belt

To enable us to get to the various aspects of housekeeping order, it will be necessary to look at the aspect from which it derives its name (for it is plain that "housekeeping" derives from house), whence it shall be necessary to look at one or other of the solar houses and together with its residents, examine its domestic constitution.
What therefore do the houses of the sun people look like on that now familiar belt, which overall has the width of approximately the distance of the moon from your Earth? Do they resemble earthly dwellings? Are they built side by side in vast numbers as in your big cities? Not at all. It is not the case anywhere. Firstly, there is no city anywhere upon the sun and the dwellings also have an entirely different shape and are outfitted differently.
So what do they look like? Think of a circle of between one and two hundred meters in diameter. This curvature is taken up by square pillars of four metres thickness and forty metres height, at four metre intervals. On top of each pillar there is a round capital, as you might say, with superb ornamentation and windings. These pillars are topped by massive crossbeams that connect all the pillars in the circle. Above these, roof joists rise to form a multi-pointed pyramid, their length depending on the sharpness of the roof-rounding.
Each of these roof beams also has relatively longer or shorter dimensions according to the diameter of the curvature, depending on whether it is bigger or smaller; this means if the diameter of the curvature of the whole house is smaller, then the roof beams also don't have to be so long in order to touch each other at the apex in a pyramidal shape; but if the diameter of the curvature is bigger, then the roof beams also have to be longer in order to touch each other at the apex in the shape described before.
Since the style of the roof adhered to is more or less that of the steeples of your so-called Gothic churches, it speaks for itself that the roof beam lengths have to be substantial and thus often six hundred metres in length.
You will ask, why such rooves in the sun, where it rains either rarely or not at all? These rooves however are not to be regarded as rain umbrellas but only as very practical light and heat umbrellas. For, notwithstanding the incredible heat-tolerance of the sun people by your standards, they nevertheless are friends of shade and some cool.
No roof however is more conducive to light and warmth protection then the pointed style for it constantly unloads light and the associated heat That this is so you can see from a little example by taking a long and well pointed piece of metal, holding the point into a flame, even if the point glows white hot the much bulkier other end gives no warm sensation, whereas in the reverse case, or a uniformly thick rod, it shall immediately heat up intensely right to the other end.
Now take a pointed roof not even made of light and heat-conducting material and it shall be clear that such roof is a most efficient protection from light and heat.
The roof beams also are nailed over closely with a class of wooden boards. These are overlaid with a type of white mirror plates made of a variety of solar soil similar to your roof-tiles but pyramid-shaped, with their apexes bent at right angles and inserted into the gaps between the boards and sealed with putty. The thickness is no greater than your cardboard but with the flexibility of lead sheeting.
This is the type of finish for all rooves and their appearance is of exceptional beauty for these panes have a surface brilliance more intense than your finest polished alabaster, the reason fore reflecting all light and hence not being warmed themselves.
Internally, this roof is covered up to its apex with a dark colour found at the coast of great waters and especially after aforementioned eruptions.
What are the pillars made of? These are made of a type of brick resembling yours but much finer and as transparent as your most precious stones being of exceptional beauty to look at. For the crossbeams and roof joists, special trees are raised up in the shape for this purpose.
In the spaces between the pillars there are tiny circular gardens abounding with the most endearing and charming growths. The sun people are skilful in landscaping growths in graduated height towards the middle so that with the exception of the entrance the beholder is greeted with the most luscious flower pyramids of such rich flower diversity as to leave you short of description, as each pyramid is adorned with a thousand different flower varieties completely distinct from the next and in tum making each house distinct for the next.
Therewith we have most superficially presented dwellings there, so far as your imagination will allow. If however you let your spiritual fantasy roam, you shall behold sundry which this restricted presentation failed to convey. In short, here you can fantasize to your heart's content and in spite of its ebullience find it impossible to exaggerate. Why? Because in the kingdom of growth you cannot sketch a form that is not found more perfect in the sun because the far more spiritual people of the sun run circles around the spirits inhabiting all the planets, the way the sunlight itself circumscribes all planets. Wherefore you can fantasize as much as you like and yet not sketch a form which is not presented upon the sun in actuality.
Wherefore, as stated, you shall find there not only all visible products of all planets in the greatest perfection but all thought-forms that ever were thought by people upon the planets physically.
Whence we can now cast a glance at solar man's dwellings and be delighted, for no man can dream of something more varied and magnificent than he can encounter upon the sun in actual fact. Thus even the colouring of the aforementioned pillars is of such exceptional majesty that the most magnificent glitter of a diamond on Earth is but the flicker of a puddle because, as indicated at the outset, everything upon the planets is as dead and motionless whereas on the sun everything bristles with life.
Since we have now cast a fleeting glance we shall also move into such a house and look at its interior set-up.
The floor has the appearance of dark, polished transparent gold or of a beautiful, finely polished topaz, except that the floor is of flexible resilience.
In the gaps between the inward-facing pillars stand four-faced pyramids like finely polished diamonds mounted upon a stand or pedestal, as you would say, which overlaps as a roomy bench of a total circumference of six to eight metres, which the sun people use like chairs. The material being different to the pyramid but also most finely polished dark green, transparent and resilient.
In front of these pyramid-seats there are low fixtures, broad at the top, coloured like finest polished rubies and serving as dinner tables.
In the middle there is a pyramidal spiral staircase with a base diameter between twenty and thirty metres, fitted with most artistic landings and level at the top within the landing, enclosing pyramidal seats. The main part of the pyramid is of light violet colour or an occasional rose-red with the landings of diverse, finest polished multi-coloured, transparent materials occurring only in the sun and nowhere else, and also elastic. What is its purpose?
It serves for higher conventions, about things divine. In the centre at the top is a pulpit of light-green, shining and transparent material from where the house elder counsels his relatives about God.
You will ask why a pyramid? By these spiral stairs people reach quite deeply into the pointed roof, taking them away from distractions by the exceeding splendour of things solar, enabling them to tum towards, even whilst this very same spherical staircase shows them the spirit5ual narrowing of the path and how one can reach the apex of the true inner life only in this way. Regarding the exceedingly beautiful spiral landing ornamentation however this usually depicts My wondrous incarnation upon Earth.
At the entrance opposite the middle pyramid there is a raised perfect square a metre off the ground and of four metres diameter, on which there also is a pyramidal seat with a most artistic landing on three sides. Take note for this will take your fancy.
Behold, this is a domestic orchestra which must not be lacking in a solar dwelling. It consists of a majestic harp which every solar person is capable of playing by ear. It serves as accompaniment to the most sublime hymns which are invariably sung as praise to the Great God after meetings. As for the tone of this instrument and the exceeding purity of solar people's voices, this you shall be able to grasp only when you are no longer captive in the flesh.
Therewith we know all the arrangements inside a solar dwelling. But you must not think of this as the firmly set order in solar dwellings, except generally and in building-style for they are grossly diverse in detail of shape and colour.
Thus the pillars could give the look of stacked clouds joined in series or cliffs or steeples or Gothic columns or large animals such as rearing white horses or glowing red elephants carrying the roof with extended trunk and innumerable other forms.
In substance the internal arrangement is indeed like the example, but in form they are as diverse as the pillars, only the rooves are all identical.
So allow yourselves time to digest this and be prepared for much more extraordinary things next time.
