God's New Revelations

The Great Gospel of John
Volume 6

Jesus' Precepts and Deeds through His Three Years of Teaching
The Lord on the Mount of Olives (John Chapter 8)

- Chapter 194 -

The Lord characterizes the thirty Romans.

(The Lord:) "Now also our Romans have got up and soon will surround us; but do not bother them too much! For the necessary I will handle them. As heathens they are basically good people; but they are still heathens and have a good sleep. You will convince yourself how little they toady, as wine sober people, will take note of everything they heard and seen yesterday. They remember all this well; but it appears to them as if they only have dreamt about it quite animated. Therefore I say to you, that you should not speak to them about it and remind them of it.
The maiden however has already left this morning very early, after leaving a love burning salute for Me with the already awakened innkeeper with the most living assurance, that she will not sin anymore in future. And I say to you that she also will keep her word given to Me. Thus what I have said to you about the Romans for this moment, keep to it as best as possible; then you will soon convince yourself that only I always and forever am right!"
The disciples were surprised about it that these thirty Romans, who last night glowed in such extraordinary manner for Me, should today regard everything as an animated dream.
Said I: "Do not let it surprise you too much; since these people have already yesterday in the city enjoyed too much of the good and then here good seven times more than all of us. Therefore they also have dreamt already more then being awake, since an intoxicated person dreams with open eyes. Therefore everything they experienced last night will appear to them even more so as a bright dream. But the best about the thing is, that they now mutually tell each other the dreams they had and each one tells exactly the same dream. Now they can't explain this and accusing the wine for it, which was enchanted by a magician. They are not even missing the maiden.
For that very reason I have effectuated such extraordinary sign during their intoxication. For if they would be totally sober, they would have regarded and proclaimed Me as one of their gods; as it is now, it is good and it is for the freedom of the human soul always better, it is given an obvious sign in a dream than in a completely sober awaken state. And this was also with the Romans yesterday the case. You will soon see how this case will turn out."
When I decided such with My disciples, Lazarus and the innkeeper came to us in the open and the innkeeper first conveyed the salute from the maiden to Me.
And Lazarus said to Me: "But Lord, this is really quite strange about these Romans, in particular with the yesterday so talkative Agrikola! The most talkative is today so monosyllabic as ever possible and all regard the by You extraordinary effectuated signs as dreams; and the best is that of course all telling exactly one and the same dream! One part regard it as the effect of the enchanted wine; Agrikola however thinks that the dream originates from their phantasy which, for some time now, is too much occupied with the famous Jew and therefore has created in all of them such a picture without their consciousness, which has occupied them all at once during the night. But really the best of all is, that they actually do not know how they came onto the mountain inn! I said to Agrikola that they already late evening were brought here by a maiden; but now they cannot even remember this anymore! Yes, this someone can understand about these people who want to understand it, - for me it is bend too much!"
Said I: "Leave it at that! It is quite alright as it is; for if those people would be fully sober yesterday, I could not have revealed Myself to them. However, for they under their strong intoxication were dreaming more then being awake, the case presented it still quite well. Remember it quite well that you should not betray Me! If they asked one of you about the famous Jew again, tell them that during the morning He will teach in the temple! They soon afterwards will penetrate the temple and demand to see and listen to Me. Only later they will become riper to hear more about their seeming dream visions."
Said Lazarus: "Very well! But Lord, the morning is now ready! Don't You want to consume the morning meal first and then go to the temple?"
Said I: "O, certainly; but put it in a different room so that we do not meet with the Romans too openly! Soon some will come out and enquire about all kind of things. My disciples then already have their instructions what they have to do; but I will handle them very easily. In the mean time set up our morning meal in another room and we will soon come and consume it and immediately afterwards go down to the temple!"
