God's New Revelations

The Pre­paration

How God Prepares Us

- Chapter 136 -

Your prayer will do it!

Sunday, May 12, 2013

My child. The time of great change is here. Evil plans have been made against the children of God and atrocities have been committed against innocent people who did not want to participate. More "eliminations" will take place, including at the political level.

There is hardly anyone who could stop this evil elite group, but your prayer will do it.

Be faithful to Jesus, pray in His intentions, take His crusade prayers at hand.

Pray for what you care about, for everything you have been given prayers to pray. Pray the

Prayers given to Mary for the Divine preparation of hearts, pray what your heart decides. Thus you help Jesus, yourselves, your fellow brothers and stop the evil group.

Never give up. The battle of the end has begun. Whoever is on Jesus' side has nothing to fear. He who fights alone will perish, and he who is on Satan's side will reap the lake of fire. Abomination and sickness will be his lot and unending torment.

Wake up, then, and prepare yourselves, for only he who is with Jesus will be victorious. So be it.

Your Saint Bonaventure.

My child, make this known.