God's New Revelations

The Book of Love

- Chapter 7 -


Verily, I THE LORD open to you in this chapter MY HIGHEST GRACE, which I have to bestow on a CHILD OF MY ETERNAL LOVE: REBIRTH IN THE FIRE OF MY HOLY JESUS-MARIA-SPIRIT!
But I say right from the start that this opening is not intended for the lukewarm nor for the willfully unteachable and spiritually blind; for these will neither be roused by the Highest and Holiest, nor will they allow themselves to be taught, nor will they see! This revelation-opening is reserved solely for those who are willing to become LOVE, most burning, most merciful JESUS-MARIA-LOVE and to be obedient to ME, i.e. to burn for the LOVE OF ALL LOVE! But it is especially intended for those who, as high spirits from My heavens, went to this earth with a mission to accomplish great things in the co-redemption of all fallen mankind, but who often stumbled in the garb of men themselves and are not aware of their high task and are now to find their way back to their self-assumed task and to their true destiny from My heavens through this NEW BIBLE.
The earthly path of a spirit from My heavens is not easy, otherwise it would not be a path of redemption! I THE LORD Myself gave the greatest insight into this in the human garment of the SAVIOR JESUS CHRIST! But just as at the end of My earthly path as Son of Man there was the crowning in the resurrection from the earthly body, in the same way the highest grace can be given to every spirit from My heavens: The rebirth in the fire of MY HOLY JESUS-MARIA-SPIRIT!
But, I tell you right away: In order to be given this highest grace, far more than the mere fulfillment of MY COMMANDMENTS and much, much more than a holy sincerity is necessary; for this, a HOLY FIRE in the heart of a CHILD OF MY LOVE is truly indispensable in order to be able to attain this crown in the rebirth of MY HOLY JESUS-MARIA-SPIRIT! This burning HOLY FIRE melts in the soul even the last remaining sparks of attachment to My counterpole, it blazes up into a mighty flame, stirring the soul to the highest and igniting and radiating around herself the HOLY SPIRIT OF MY ETERNAL LOVE AND PERFECTION!
The Trials for Rebirth in the HOLY SPIRIT
In order to reach this goal, the path to the rebirth of the soul according to MY HOLY WILL must first be taken with the most holy sincerity! And that means to be so imbued with all MY HOLY CHARACTERISTICS - as they are already shown there - that every weakness is discarded and every hint of a renewed weakness is immediately suffocated in its germination; but that also means not only to accomplish this, but also to completely fulfill MY HOLY WILL in everything, no matter what I THE LORD demand! These are the tests that must be passed, without which no soul can ever overcome the last and accomplish the greatest!
You men also do the same; whether it is about your own goals or about machines or material, everywhere you test and rightly so; for without tests nothing can be accomplished and stand.
So the trials must ultimately be unimaginably great, hard and comprehensive so that the soul can rise from its bondage to bodily matter into true freedom and even greater are the trials that allow a spirit to mature to absolute dominion over soul and matter and over itself in the HOLINESS OF MY JESUS-MARIA-SPIRIT, which in the crowning brings it rebirth in MY HOLY SPIRIT!
The trials are often so hard and incomprehensible for the spirit living in the matter of the human garment that it can begin to doubt ME, GOD, THE CREATOR and MY PERFECTION. These are, so to speak, furnace tests which, on the one hand, melt away all attachments to this world down to the smallest detail and, on the other hand, enable complete hardening in the HOLY WILL of MY HOLY SPIRIT. If you recall the trials of all the great biblical figures, you will have the most fitting examples of what is being said to you here. Neither I THE LORD made an exception with MYSELF in human garb, nor did MY HEART'S PRIMORDIAL GROUND POLE OF ETERNAL LOVE IN MY MOTHER OF BODY MARIA, and if you look at MY AND HER WALK ON EARTH on the basis of the biblical accounts, but better still in My revelatory dictations to My aforementioned scribal servant, so you can easily recognize that OUR HOLY PATHS ON EARTH were not only paths of destiny set in scene by My counterpole, but also test paths of Myself and of the Most Holy under the concentrated force of hell, through which alone THE REDEMPTION AND THE RESURRECTION could become reality!
For with every test of spirit and soul under the most difficult conditions in the counterpole world, an infinite number of bound potencies are uncovered and redeemed, the number of which exceeds your comprehension and least of all do the spiritually blind, unteachable and lukewarm realize what GRACE flows to them through the redemptive life of high and highest spirits in human garb under the testing aspects of incomprehensible significance! But one day, in the KINGDOM OF MY HOLY SPIRIT, they will shudder at their outrages out of purest blindness and truly repent to ME and all those against whom they sinned without ceasing; for better than on your transient filmstrips, the absolutely perfect LAW OF GUILT AND ATONEMENT records everything indelibly in the spiritual books of every life until it is forgiven or atoned for!
But every spirit grows through the tests imposed on it out of MY LOVE AND GRACE beyond all the abilities already acquired and if it withstands the furnace tests in the FIRE OF MY HOLY SPIRIT, it will become like MY HOLY SEVEN MAIN CHARACTERISTICS a SPIRITUAL SUN OF MY ETERNAL AND INFINITE CREATION; for he is born again in MY HOLY JESUS-MARIA-SPIRIT and that means that through the path of trial he has become one with MY ETERNAL PERFECTION, from which he emerged as a CHILD OF MY LOVE!
